We had a scary little incident while at Michigan's Adventure a couple weeks ago. My parents and Jody, Aaron and Analise all went with us. When we went to the water park, I stopped to get something for Emma to eat and she went on with the rest of the family. Apparently everyone thought that someone else had her and when I met up with them (about 15 minutes later) they asked me where Emma was. At first I thought they were kidding and when I realized they weren't, it sent me into panic mode!! Thankfully, we had put her lifejacket on her when we first got into the waterpark so I didn't have a drowning to worry about!! Jody's quick thinking sent her to a food booth to ask for help and they directed us to the first aid station to let the lifeguards know she was missing. When I was running over there (surely looking "beautiful" running in a bathing suit...oh those poor people who had to watch!), I saw her being held by one of the lifeguards and crying her eyes out!!! WHAT A RELIEF! Apparently she had remembered how we've taught her to find someone in charge if you can't find us and she found a lifeguard and we were reunited after only 5 minutes (that seemed like hours) of realizing she was gone. God taught me an important lesson that day though. I'm often worried about making sure the kids are safe and watching everything and doing everything I can to keep them safe. God taught me that I can't do it on my own, on matter how hard I try, but that He is more than able to do it for me! A lesson I was in need of learning lately. Needless to say, EVERYONE kept her close to them the rest of the day. It was a good lesson for Emma too because she does tend to wander quite often and she learned what can happen when you don't stay by mom and dad (or grandma and grandpa or aunts and uncles). Overall, it was a good day with some much needed lesson learning involved!
Today Emma had her preschool orientation. She's SO excited to start going without us next week! She told me tonight that she can't wait to go to preschool and for me to "leave her there and not stay with her." She's in a pretty good size class of 19 kids. It's quite unique because the class has 12 boys and only 7 girls. It usually seems like it's the other way around most of the time! I'm excited for this new phase of life for her and all the things that she's going to learn. I'm also looking forward to 2 afternoons of quiet around here!! I love Emma very much, but lately we've been in great need of some time apart. I think this will do both of us a lot of good!
Anyway, better get to bed. Jake and Rachel are coming tomorrow, so it'll be a busy day! Friday we're off camping for the holiday weekend, so that should be fun. I just want to end with a picture that my sister-in-law, Angela, took of Collin last week. I just think it's super cute with the little face he's making. He sure is a cute little guy. Can't believe he'll be 7 months in 10 days!!! Time goes by too fast!!!