Collin is not growing quite as quickly as Emma did. He's been struggling with lots of congestion issues over the past 4 weeks, so he's not sleeping hardly at all. I took him into the doctor last week to get his chest checked out and he weighed in at just over 18 pounds. Emma was 18 lb. 2 oz. at 6 months, so he's a couple months behind her in weight. Not that he feels very light though! If you ever see him eat, you'll wonder how he's not 30 pounds by now!! Apparently he takes after his daddy in this area and can eat and eat and eat! He's great about eating solid food, but WILL NOT take a bottle or even a sippy cup of milk! He will sometimes drink juice from a bottle, but that's about it. He's eating 4-5 jars of baby food a day along with cereal, so he's definitely not going hungry!! I'm not sure where he puts it all either. He may look chubby in the face, but other than 2 little rolls on his thighs, he's pretty thin....very solid though. Not even a big belly on him! Hopefully he'll be able to keep that metabolism like his daddy has.
Last week I walked into Collin's room in the morning and found him standing in his crib. So, now he thinks he needs to pull up and stand by everything. It's funny to watch him because once he's up, he can't move his feet forward, so he leans toward what he's holding on to while his little legs shake. So cute! He hasn't quite mastered getting up on his hands and knees to crawl, but gets pretty much everywhere he wants by army crawling. He's able to put himself into a sitting postion from laying down now and will get up on his hands and knees and rock, but no moving that way yet! THANK GOODNESS!!! I'm very thankful that he won't be walking in a few weeks like his sister was! It's nice to have a baby who actually follows the "average" baby scale instead of trying to beat it in everything!
I've been wondering when Collin would start to babble. Emma did it much earlier than the age Collin is at now, but maybe it's just the girl/boy difference. Today when I was changing his diaper and getting him dressed for the day he started saying "babababa" and "mamamama" though! So cute! He was so proud of himself when I got excited. So, that's what we've been hearing all day now! At least he's doing the mama before the dada!! :)
I'll leave you with some pictures of our little pumpkin in the pumpkin patch. Isn't he adorable??? :)