Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Analise!

On Saturday, October 24, our sweet little niece, Analise, turned a year old! It's hard to believe it's already been a year since she was born!! She's such a sweetheart and we love her very much! No one ever told me how much you can love a niece or nephew. I think it makes a difference if you have a close relationship with that sibling as well. Jody and I didn't always get along the best while we were growing up, but since then we've become really close. I think we got even closer once Analise was born and we had motherhood as a common interest as well. It also helps to be pregnant together and have kids that are about the same age. It's been cute to watch Analise and Collin begin to play together and notice each other more. This time next year they'll probably be great little buddies! Although, Analise would prefer to follow Emma around instead of playing with Collin! :) Here are some pictures from the big party!! The first one is actually Emma....just for comparrison.

Emma at her first birthday party. She didn't have quite as much hair as Analise, but they're pretty much the same size. Analise wore Emma's first birthday princess dress for her party too. I wonder what they make for boys?? Surely it's not as cute and there isn't nearly as much selection!

This little stinker has had the ability to walk for quite a while now, but just decided to actually start doing it about a week before her birthday. She figured she needed to be able to keep up with her cousin, Emma, a little better I guess. Now Collin wants to follow along. Unfortunately, in his head he can walk, but his little legs don't know that yet!

Emma brought Analise some punching balloons for her birthday. She loved watching them! Notice the beautiful line on her cheek?? Grandma put a birthday hat on her and SNAP! Poor little cheek! Grandma felt very bad and the mark was gone by the time Analise had her cake!

Collin had a great time playing with all of Analise's old toys! Especially since he got his great-grandma to hold him while he did it!! It won't be long until his birthday! They sure grow fast!

Analise LOVES the ball like this in the church nursery! It's a little deflated though, so she likes how well she can grip onto it. Great-Grandpa remembered that and got her her own! He even took some air out so it would be nice and squishy!!

She loved her new vacuum!! She doesn't like the real one, so maybe this little one will help her get over her vacuum-phobia!

Emma got some green chapstick in her goody bag from Analise! She loves to wear it! Although, I think she needs some lessons in how to wear it. She goes through them like crazy! See the green around her mouth??

Grandma got Analise a bunch of Fisher Price Little People toys. She loved her Noah's Ark, but did NOT want that flag in the top of it! Whenever her daddy would put it in, she'd be right there to take it matter where she was or what she was doing!

Jody and Analise practiced blowing out her candle. She was very eager to get to that cupcake though!!! She hasn't had very many sweets in her life, so this was an extra special treat!

The famous pointer finger!!! I can't even remember when it started, but Analise uses her little pointer finger for EVERYTHING!!!! It's so cute! No matter what she's touching, that little finger is the first one to touch it! She liked sticking it in the hole that the candle made. She started eating the cupcake by digging cake from that hole with her little pointer finger!
My camera battery died before she really got into the cake. It was a bummer because she made a pretty good mess of things! It was so cute! We're so thankful for a year of having our sweet Analise! She's been a huge blessing to our family and we love her a lot!! It's been neat to see Jody and Aaron as new parents over the last year. They're great as it!!