It's funny to think about how skinny he once was when I see those little rolls on his legs now!! He's filled out very nicely! This picture was taken around 2 weeks old for my grandparents who were in Florida. They missed his birth and were anxious to see him when they got back in April!
I had to throw one of the crying pictures in!! I always loved how cute his little face looked when he would cry! So sad how quickly these days go by!
When Collin was 4 weeks old, we took a trip up to Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan's UP (for all you non-michiganders). Ryan's mom, sister and brother all lived up there (his mom has since moved back down state closer to us). This picture is with Emma, Havannah and Daniel (his cousins).
Smiling at Great-Grandma just a couple weeks after they got back from Florida and he was able to meet them!! She's one of his favorite people now!
He loves the bumbo! Now he's starting to throw his body backward and try to get out of it, but he sure loved it when he was smaller! This picture is at 2 months!
At the parade again. It got a little drizzly and cool, so his cute 4th of July outfit had to get covered up by his jacket.....oh well!
Hope you enjoyed this little recap of Collin! He's been such a blessing to our family and we couldn't ask for a better or cuter baby!! It's neat to see how he's bonding with Emma as he's getting older. He sure loves her and likes to pull her face close to his and give her kisses! She's great at keeping him entertained in the car too! She makes silly faces at him and he laughs and laughs!! It's cute to listen to them play together!!
This is a great blog! My sister-in-law has been doing this - writing every day or so about the neat things in her girls' lives. It's neat to commemorate those sweet things before they fade out of memory. I'm looking forward to reading!