On Saturday, August 1, we went to Ryan's company picnic. It wasn't as big as it has been in past years, but the steel industry is hurting right now and we're just glad that he has a job at all!! It was pretty fun though and the activities were much better for kids Emma's age! We went to a park and had burgers, hot dogs, brats and other picnic items. They had bounce houses for the kids (even a bouncy slide...Emma loved that), airbrush tattoos, spin painting frisbees and a few other things. They even had a police car and officer so the kids could sit in the car and see what it's like. It was fun! We planned to head over to the zoo since our children's museum membership gets us in the zoo for free this month, but it started downpouring, so that idea didn't work. We ended up going to the $3.99 movie theatre instead. Emma has seen a few movies in the past and likes it. I wondered how Collin would do, but he was just in awe of the huge screen and sat and stared the whole time....until he fell asleep!!

Emma's airbrush tattoo. We made sure to get one in good colors so that when she wouldn't want to wash it off before church the next day it would be ok.

Collin's first (and hopefully last) time in a police car!! Let's hope he doesn't take after his Daddy!!! J/K

Emma wasn't too thrilled about sitting in the police car, but me made her sit in there just long enough for a picture. Can you tell how thrilled she is of this idea??

Emma loved all the other kids at the picnic and had a great time! She brought her digital camera to take pictures. We got a lot of them. I'll have to post some of her pictures on here sometime. She actually takes pretty decent pictures.....well, as decent as that camera can take!!!
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